
Welcome friends - I'm posting published articles and sundry items as time allows. Most subjects pertain to conservation, photo trekking and tourism in borderlands Arizona, USA. More of my articles can be seen on my publisher's website

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Roads Caller

Opinion: Ending the Iraq War

(From letter to editor by another reader of Washington Post)

"Thank goodness this obscene, diabolical mess is finally over. Sincere regrets to the 4000+ American military personnel and contractors killed [and their families], and grave apologies to the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi families whose lives were disrupted or destroyed for the sake of American ego. We can only hope that someday, Bush, Cheney and their neocon brethren are brought to justice for their indiscriminate slaughter."

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Opinion: Video Gadgets Such as I-Phone & Games

This technology moves people apart. It takes them further and further from each other, from nature, and from the world. It ruins their eyes and their bodies. It erodes their humanity. It's another opium for the masses. It's not good.